Canadian Bahá’ís are guided by the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh, the Founder of the Bahá’í Faith. Central Bahá’í principles include the oneness of humanity and the oneness of God. Bahá’u’lláh taught that all the great religions of the world are divine in origin and one in their essential message of love. Each of the revealed religions provides fundamental spiritual and moral guidance as well as social teachings appropriate to successive stages in the history and spiritual evolution of humanity. The Bahá’í Community of Canada is made up of some 30,000 Canadians from backgrounds that are truly representative of Canada’s rich cultural diversity. Bahá’ís feel at home in Canada in large part because so many of their central Bahá’í values are shared by their fellow Canadian citizens. Bahá’ís have contributed enormously to the growth and development of the worldwide Bahá’í community. Mary Maxwell (1910-2000), who was from Montreal, married to the Head of the Bahá’í Faith, Shoghi Effendi. After his death, Mary Maxwell travelled the world where she wrote letters, books and two major film documentaries which she directed herself. Mary Maxwell’s father and prominent architect, William Sutherland Maxwell, designed the Bahá’í Shrine that graces Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel. Louis Bourgeois, a French-Canadian architect, designed the protected American historical site: the Bahá’í House of Worship, which rests on the shores of Lake Michigan. Bahá’ís feel at home in Canada in large part because so many of their central Bahá’í values are shared by their fellow Canadian citizens. World-mindedness, the importance of justice, the rule of law, human rights and responsibility for others, fairness and equity, consideration for minorities, and the value of freedom and world citizenship are values that Bahá’ís share with Canadians. |